Friends of the Koala is looking for an interim manager for 6 months, who is excited to join the organisation 3-5 days a week to look after our most important asset: Our People. What will you do? Support, develop and lead our people HR & recruitment Day-to-day operational management Process optimisation Strategic planning & budgeting … Read more
FOK joins Return & Earn Scheme
Click the link below to access our video that explains how to help save our koalas by recycling. Instructions for Return & Earn
Faces of FOK: Q&A with Katrina
Friends of the Koala Data Coordinator, Katrina Jeffery has her own private property known as Koala Gardens which is under a conservation agreement and includes a plantation of trees to
Orphaned koala joey rescued amid catastrophic floods
A rescued orphaned koala joey is one of countless native animals rescuers expect will need urgent care amid the flooding catastrophe in New South Wales and Queensland.
Trauma Season in Review
Each year Friends of the Koala tends to over 350 sick, injured, and orphaned koalas. Between the months of July and December admissions are at their highest with the onset of peak koala breeding season, also known as trauma season.
Faces of FOK: Q&A with Maria
Friends of the Koala rescuer, Area Coordinator and Koala Watch Officer, Maria Matthes was awarded Ballina Shire’s ….
A Bittersweet Win for Koalas
Friends of the Koala welcomes the federal government’s decision to up list koalas in ….