Delivery by email (immediately)
- $10 per month, or
- $50 for a one-time adoption
Delivery by email (immediately) and post
- $20 per month, or
- $100 for a one-time adoption
I was rescued in January 2018, when I was found alone in the middle of a busy road. I was born with hip dysplasia and have trouble jumping like other koalas, so I am a permanent resident here at Friends of the Koala alongside my BFF Ivy.
In July 2023, rescuers saved my mum Gidja after she suffered a severe head injury. I was still riding on her back when they found her. Her injuries required several months of care, and she stopped producing enough milk for me.
When I was only 8 months old and weighed 730 grams, I fell from a tree and got separated from my mother. Luckily, I was unharmed by the fall, but I had fallen onto the road and mum was high in a tree. The rescuers wanted to reunite us, but the location was difficult, and they couldn’t capture my mother.
I was rescued in September 2022 after a truck hit my mum. I am now full time in Koala Kindy and my best friends are Magnus and Rafa. Even though I am the smallest in care, I am usually found at the top of the ladder. Soon I will head off to a plantation, where I can explore the wild.
My mother was hit by a car in August 2023 and taken to North Coast Emergency Vets. I was in my mum’s pouch at the time of the accident and miraculously was unharmed, unfortunately my mum’s injuries were
severe, and she had to be euthanized.
Polar Star
Polar Star
I was was born with pale eyes and skin, making me quite unusual looking and very special. I was admitted to Northern Rivers Koala Hospital at about twelve months of age, right at the time I would naturally have been dispersing from my mother.
I was rescued in May 2020 after my mum abandoned me in a cow paddock. I have mild hip dysplasia, which means I cannot jump and struggle to climb. The likelihood of me surviving in the wild is slim, so I call Friends of the Koala home!
I came to Friends of the Koala in November 2021 from Larnook. I was a young joey who suffered from mild dehydration. I was very active at home-care and couldn’t wait to join the crew in Koala Kindy. After loving care and holidaying in the Kindy Plantation, I was released back into the wild.
I was a pouch young joey that may have been abandoned by my mum when I was rescued in October 2021. When I was big enough for release, it took me longer than most to understand that I needed to find my own food in plantation. I really did love being fed easy fresh leaf in the FOK care centre. After a few failed attempts I am now out living a happy wild life.
After my mother was hit by a car, I was lucky to be protected in the pouch and rescued. I was only five months old at the time and spent over 7 months in FOK Koala Kindy, learning all the skills I would need for the wild. I thrived in care, growing strong and healthy. Thanks to the dedication of my carers, I was fully vaccinated and successfully released in January 2023.
What you get

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