One of the main diseases that claims the lives of koalas, chlamydia, has been found to have spread through almost two thirds of a colony in southeast … [follow link to original story…]
Tweed Coast koala’s receive habitat boost
THE Tweed Coast’s endangered koala population will have more habitat to call home after the NSW Government announced it had purchased an … [follow link to original story…]
Koalas destined for extinction – unless we do something
Lismore’s Friends of the Koala (FoK) says it’s not too late to prevent koalas going extinct in the wild on the North Coast – but our window of opportunity … [follow link to original story…]
Petition to save shire koala reaches 10000 signatures | video
Councillors and council staff believe the decision will endanger the long term viability of the koala population in Wilton because it will remove critical … [follow link to original story…]
Knock, knock, there’s a koala at the door: It’s breeding season and the marsupials are on the move
Cheyne Flannagan from the Koala Preservation Society Australia, said the koala who paid Ms Whalan’s home a visit looked like a healthy young male. [follow link to original story…]
Australia’s wildlife warrior Rebecca Johnson on cracking the koala code
A superstar in the science world, Johnson earlier in the week had announced a world-first genetic map of the koala completed by the team of 54 … [follow link to original story…]
10 things you can do to stop koalas from going extinct
A TARGETED new campaign to help stop the decline of koalas on the Northern Rivers has been launched by a Lismore-based volunteer group. [follow link to original story…]
Kevin Anderson says koalas will be protected in Appin Rd upgrade
Mr Anderson was happy to answer questions from the Macarthur Chronicle about the protection of the region’s koala colony when works start to a … [follow link to original story…]