Laws were passed in April 2012 to make koalas a “threatened species” and their habitat an “endangered ecological community”, yet developments … [follow link to original story…] This letter-writer is expressing a concern held by koala supporters across NSW.
Koala population crash highlights long list of government failures, report finds
Koala protection efforts are failing in Queensland despite clear evidence of devastating population losses, a new report has found. [follow link to original story…]
Koalas driven to drink by climate change
Leaves were thought to be all koalas needed but video footage shows koalas are thirsty; it is believed climate change is transforming the national … [follow link to original story…]
Volunteers invited to compete in local tree planting project to save koalas
The National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) is inviting volunteers to team up and challenge each other to plant and raise the best koala food trees in … [follow link to original story…]
Battle for affordable housing in Queensland puts public green space at risk
DOWN along the banks of the Logan River, nestled among a rural backdrop, the approval of a massive resort on koala habitat this week has caused … [follow link to original story…]
Cars and chlamydia killing Queensland koalas
Cars and chlamydia were the top causes of a dramatic rise in south-east Queensland koala deaths over the past two decades, according to a new … [follow link to original story…]
Push to protect Burleigh Headland to close it to prevent late-night doof parties and damage
His call comes as a leading veterinarian believed koalas were still visiting the Burleigh Headland. “It amazes me but yes, there are big populations at … [follow link to original story…]
Extreme heat takes a toll on our animals
The lack of moisture has had a tremendous impact on our Koalas, with Eucalypt leaves no longer holding enough water to sustain them. “We’ve had … [follow link to original story…]