Help save koalas with a gift in your will!
Leaving a bequest to save koalas is a remarkable act of kindness that actively contributes to the survival of the species.
You are creating a koala legacy that will protect koalas for generations. You will be supporting conservation efforts that genuinely make a difference.
Why leave a bequest to Friends of the Koala charity?
As well as caring for thousands of sick and injured koalas in our koala hospital, we play a vital role in koala habitat restoration. We initiate and execute ground-breaking koala research.
As an independent, not-for-profit organisation, we rely heavily on community support. We don’t have a marketing team, so it may seem like we have a smaller voice than others fundraising for koalas…
Friends of the Koala have people on the ground, every day, working every angle for the conservation of habitat and survival of this precious species.
Friends of the Koala is one of the longest-standing koala charities, operating for over 35 years.
Friends of the Koala is the most holistic koala charity and with only a small number of staff and over 200 dedicated volunteers, we are also one of the most effective, and we believe, most passionate koala charities in the world.
How to leave a bequest
If you are considering leaving Friends of the Koala a bequest, thank you!
We (and the koalas!) will accept your gift with gratitude and appreciation.
Here are some resources to help you make a bequest.
Your solicitor will have the most up-to-date advice. For bequests we suggest including the following clause in your will:
“I BEQUEATH to Friends of the Koala Incorporated (ABN 69 322 819 171) of Rifle Range Road, East Lismore NSW 2480, Australia, for the general purpose of Friends of the Koala [insert here the sum of the bequest or a statement defining the bequest] free of all duties and taxes payable at my death AND I DECLARE that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of Friends of the Koala Incorporated shall be a sufficient discharge to my Trustee(s).”
For more information on Friends of the Koala prior to deciding, or for those with further questions about leaving bequests, please reach out to us.
Phone: (02) 6621 4664
Did you know?!
70% of Australian adults don't have a legally binding will!
Regardless of how much you own, having an up-to-date will is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family.
Not only can a will legally protect your spouse, children, and assets, it can also spell out how you would like things handled.
To encourage our supporters to take this important job off their to-do list, Friends of the Koala have partnered with the top-rated will writing platform, Gathered Here. Gathered Here offers free and legally binding wills in less than 10 minutes, with unlimited updates for life.
After you’ve provided for your loved ones, please consider leaving a small percentage of your estate to Friends of the Koala. Whilst this is not a requirement, a bequest or a gift in your will is a lasting and meaningful way to secure a future for koalas for generations to come.
Koala Bequest FAQ
What you choose to bequest depends on you!
There are many options for bequests, depending on your circumstances, the common ones include:
- A specific gift, such as money, property, shares, insurance policies, jewellery or anything of value.
- Your entire estate, a nominated portion of your estate, or a fixed percentage of your estate.
- The balance of your estate after specific bequests and gifts have been left to family and friends.