Koala Rescue
(02) 6622 1233

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News, blogs and publications. Here we share all things koala conservation!

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The sixth annual Community Koala Survey program is starting soon in Bongil Bongil National Park south of Coffs Harbour, and they're looking for ... [follow link to original story...]

‘Fit’ NSW koalas could save species

Koala populations across Australia are in decline largely due to human interference and disease, but a James Cook University study has discovered ... [follow link to original story...]

Climate Matters: Armidale’s vulnerable koalas need urgent attention

On current trends, if no action is taken, the entire koala population of NSW may be extinct by 2050. Koalas are now listed as a vulnerable species in ... [follow link...

September is Save the Koala month for the Australian Koala Foundation

Saving koalas is a serious business, but as Save the Koala month is held annually each September, this month is a time to have fun while raising ... [follow link to...

Experts predict koalas will be extinct in NSW by 2050

One of our most famous native animals could be extinct in New South Wales by 2050, a polarising new conservation report predicts. The koala, an ... [follow link to original story...]

Zoo warns residents to be on the lookout for wildlife

... a little bit terrifying, because it means we see a lot more koalas,” Terri said. ... So far this year the wildlife hospital has treated 191 koalas, 31 of...


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