Koala Rescue
(02) 6622 1233

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News, blogs and publications. Here we share all things koala conservation!

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Environmentalists say NSW Koala Strategy ‘doomed to fail’

The NSW Coalition government's long anticipated Koala Strategy, which was released on May 6, has been condemned as inadequate and doomed to ... [follow link to original story...]

Life saving research for threatened species

ONE Northern Rivers group has been named a major contributor in Australian health research to aid the threatened koala populations. Friends of the Koala has undertaken a Necropsy Training Workshop...

Fears Campbelltown koalas face extinction

“I would say in ten years time we will probably wipe the koala population away, the way we are going now,” he said. “With no protection and wildlife corridors and...

Plan to build new preschool for 60 kids

Bangalow Koalas president Linda Sparrow said she was concerned the centre would have a serious impact on koala habitat. While the development application said there was no koala habitat on...

Baby koala Billa debuts in the big wide world

Meet Billa, the young koala at the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve who on Thursday made a few tentative steps towards independence from his dad Jed and mum Yellow (named for her...

Four koalas dead in 13 days

4 disease free koalas killed on Appin Road in 13 days and our calls in protecting these beautiful creatures are being ignored . The the state government , environment minister...


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