Koala Rescue
(02) 6622 1233

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News, blogs and publications. Here we share all things koala conservation!

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Close to $1M raised for Australian wildlife caught in bushfires

A staggering $938,000 has been raised for animals injured in the blazes, with a new wild koala breeding program to be established in New South ... [follow link to original story...]

Burnt koala rescued by ex-policeman as northern NSW burns

Video showing an ex-policeman giving a badly burnt koala a drink of water is an emotional scene - one among many - coming out of the devastation ... [follow link to...

Wildlife experts share critical advice as conditions worsen

Pictures of burnt koalas and injured animals have sent shockwaves through the nation as bushfires continue to ravage parts of northern NSW. [follow link to original story...]

How you can help wildlife impacted by bushfires

Wildlife rescue organisations FAWNA and Koalas in Care are yet to see the real cost to our native wildlife from the bushfires around the MidCoast and ... [follow link to original...

National security wrap

Hundreds of koalas are thought to have died in a bushfire in northern New South Wales, which burned through more than two-thirds of koala habitat in ... [follow link to original...

‘The whole place went up’: Fears for koala colonies as NSW fires burn on

Thousands of hectares of prime koala habitat near Port Macquarie has been burnt during this week's Crestwood-Lake Cathie fire, killing as many as ... [follow link to original story...]


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