Koala Rescue
(02) 6622 1233


Northern Rivers koala population

Local news round-up – October

Northern Rivers Koala Count Thank you to all you Citizen Scientists who joined our first ever official Northern Rivers Koala Count – we hope to make this an annual event. Koala counts are a crucial part of koala protection. They can provide us with a greater understanding of the size of our koala population here … Read more

Volunteer to save koalas in the Northern Rivers NSW

Volunteers in Focus – October

It has been a busy and challenging time for our volunteers with so many koalas needing our help, but every day they show up with passion and dedication for our koalas and we cannot thank them enough! Our ‘Volunteers in Focus’ is our small attempt at highlighting the amazing work that they do. Our koala … Read more

Sustainability and koalas

Sustainability Day 2023

The last Wednesday of every October is Sustainability Day – on 25th October this year – and an opportunity to raise awareness about why sustainability is important to everyone living on our planet – including our beloved, iconic koala! What is sustainability and why is it important? Sustainability is the ability to exist and develop … Read more

Friends of the Koala - Koala Kindy October

October at Koala Kindy

Our joeys are having great adventures in Koala Kindy – practicing climbing and jumping, getting to know each other and our Carers and learning how to take their supplements. All the while we are taking a lot of care that they don’t get too used to people and are ready for life in the wild … Read more

Save more koalas - plant more trees

Plant more trees and save more koalas

How can we save more koalas for Save the Koala month? By planting more trees! Unfortunately, habitat availability and habitat destruction is the single greatest threat to the survival of koalas and as part of Save the Koala month, Friends of the Koala aims to raise awareness for what is one of the core objectives … Read more


Local news round-up for September

Get ready for the great Northern Rivers Koala Count! Together with Northern Rivers Koala Partnership – which includes local Councils of Ballina, Byron, Kyogle, Lismore, Richmond Valley and Tweed – we are asking you to look for koalas and make a special effort to report sightings on our website. Our week-long initiative runs from September … Read more

Mark Wilson, Friends of the Koala, Nursery Manager

Volunteers in Focus in August

This month in our Volunteers in Focus update, we highlight the amazing work of Mark Wilson our Nursery Manager, Maria Matthes, Area Coordinator for Ballina & Richmond Valley LGAs and Friends of the Koala Emergency Response Coordinator and Fiona Dawson, Leafing Coordinator. Mark Wilson, Nursery Manager Mark joined Friends of the Koala in 1992 as … Read more

Why do koalas sleep so much?

Why do koalas sleep so much?

Koalas are known for their sleepy habits – catching more than the average animal in z’s. But is this true? Let’s bust some myths – do koalas spend all of their time sleeping and if so why do they sleep so much?! Yes koalas sleep a lot! Koalas sleep between 18 and 22 hours out … Read more

Hanging out at East Coraki

East Coraki second community planting day

Friends of the Koala’s second community planting day will take place on Saturday 19th of August and we invite you to join us! Our second community planting day is again made possible thanks to the Australian Government’s grant for its ‘Hanging out at East Coraki: Koalas thriving in an agricultural landscape’ – project. Our first … Read more

Gidja and Boori - koala mum and joey

August at Koala Kindy

We have been extremely busy at Friends of the Koala during August at Koala Kindy with a large number of admissions to our hospital and care centre. This is partly due to this particular time of year in Australia, more koalas are on the move, spring is in the air. However, there is a larger … Read more