More than 90% of people in the Northern Rivers are happy to live among koalas and want to see them protected, a major community survey has found. [follow link to original story…]

On Australia’s major environmental crises
Many visits to Australia provided major research for an important book entitled, Killing Koalas and Poisoning the Prairies, co-authored with Professor … [follow link to original story…]

Land clearing is stressing koalas: report
Land clearing and bushfires are the biggest causes of stress for wild koalas, according to NSW research of stress hormones in faecal samples. [follow link to original story…]

Residents ready to fight for koala habitat
Clarence Valley councillor Greg Clancy said the the proposal would result in the removal of a number of trees and put at risk the koala population in … [follow link to original story…]

Mid North Coast Joint Organisation of council to work on a three-year Hastings-Macleay Koala …
Mayor of Kempsey Shire Council and chairperson of the Mid North Coast Joint Organisation, Liz Campbell said koalas have undergone a 26 per cent … [follow link to original story…]

Koala population surveyed on EP
Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula are conducting a series of koala distribution surveys to determine koala numbers and the level of threat they pose … [follow link to original story…]

Animal activists join forces to hit out at koala plan
Groups represented included Team Koala, The Northern Rivers Guardians, Birdlife Northern Rivers, Animal Justice Party NSW, Friends of Cudgen … [follow link to original story…]

The $4 billion plan includes support for a Great Koala National Park
The NSW Greens have announced a comprehensive and ambitious plan to protect and enhance our natural environment for future generations. [follow link to original story…]

Installing wildlife friendly fencing on ‘Koala Island’ at Monaltrie
This program forms part of the Australian Government’s 2019 environment policy election commitment, Our Plan for a Cleaner Environment. It aims to support the environmental priorities of local community and environment groups in their regions and neighbourhoods, to recover and strengthen the environment and to build and strengthen local communities. The work will value add … Read more