Koala Rescue
(02) 6622 1233


Port Stephens Koalas uses grants to purchase triage cages

With work expected to commence later this month on the $3 million koala hospital at Anna Bay, Port Stephens Koalas (PSK) has taken delivery of three rescue/triage cages designed to carry and transport sick and injured koalas. [ Port Stephens Examiner ] … [follow link to original story…]

Parliamentary red tape hinders the survival of koalas

A lengthy Parliamentary Inquiry into the future of koalas may take too long to ensure their survival, writes Sue Arnold. THE FIRST PUBLIC HEARING of the NSW Upper House Inquiry into koalas began on Friday 15 August, with the usual collection of bureaucrats from the former Office of Environment and Heritage now incorporated into an … Read more

What toll do bushfires have on native wildlife in an increasingly urbanised landscape?

Vicki Lett is a long-time wildlife carer and still struggles when she sees the level of pain animals experience when they are injured in a bushfire. “They found [the koala] scrabbling in the sand on one of their tracks; they actually lifted it and put it in an esky and brought it back to their … Read more

An Upper House inquiry into the state’s koala habitats and population gets underway

Environmental groups say they hope a new inquiry into koalas in New South Wales will make protecting the animal a priority. Nature Conservation Foundation chief executive Chris Gambian said a joint submission with 11 other environmental groups called on the Government to adopt stronger laws. “Our politicians in NSW really have a simple choice that … Read more

Port Macquarie’s Koala Hospital volunteers keep watch over bushfires

On alert: Koala Hospital volunteers remain on alert for injured koalas and other wildlife as bushfire continue to erupt throughout the Mid-North Coast. [Port Macquarie News] Koala Hospital volunteers are keeping a keen eye on the bushfire situation across the Mid-North Coast, and particularly the Lindfield Park Road blaze. … [follow link to original story…]

‘There is hope’: Inside the race to save koalas from extinction

Warning distressing content: Amid warnings that koalas could be extinct in NSW in 30 years, the best minds in animal protection are meeting to try and save the species. As koala habitat is cleared for housing and logging, dead and dying koalas are an increasingly common sight for motorists on country and suburban roads. … [follow … Read more

NSW’s koalas ‘in crisis’ as threats rise on many fronts, inquiry told

Koala populations are facing increased threats across NSW with even the healthiest colonies at risk as critical habitat is destroyed, and the climate grows hotter and drier, a parliamentary inquiry has heard. … [follow link to original story…]

North West koalas not protected despite NSW Koala Strategy, ecologist says

IN TROUBLE: Protecting core koala habitat is key to the survival of Australia’s much-loved marsupial, a Tamworth ecologist says. Allowing broad-scale clearing again after 30 years of protection is “a real slap in the face for the family of Glen Turner, who gave his life trying to stop illegal clearing at Croppa Creek”, a Tamworth … Read more

South Coast koalas turn to Go Fund Me for water

Concerns that the major threat to koalas on the South Coast is not being acknowledged or addressed have led to a community Go Fund Me campaign … [follow link to original story…]

Koala carnage continues with ‘healthy’ male struck by car

"The koala was spotted two days ago sitting in a park but nobody called it in until … Mr Jean said the koala was a "big, otherwise healthy" male. [follow link to original story…]