Over the Christmas period, our volunteers and staff were busy making sure that our koalas were still being cared for and so on January 21st it was finally their time to celebrate the end of another year and their outstanding contribution to Friends of the Koala.
Our volunteer recognition event aims to, in a small way, thank these extraordinary individuals for their dedication and work. Whilst FOK is the voice for all koalas’ survival throughout the Northern Rivers, it is our volunteers who make our vital work possible and make up the organisation.
Our active and registered volunteers, currently about 170, offer their time, effort, energy, expertise and commitment free of charge to ensure we deliver our mission effectively. This year, a total of 54,000 volunteer hours were recorded and we want to take this opportunity to publicly thank each and everyone for their commitment.
There are too many to name but you know who you are!

Special thanks also to Debbie Gooley who is one of our amazing volunteers who raised a whopping $1,570 by organising a Christmas raffle out of South Casino Pharmacy!