It is Save the Koala Month in September dedicated to raising awareness about koalas and their habitat. The month’ highpoint is Save the Koala Day on September 27th. This year we are holding our inaugural fundraising luncheon on this day to raise much needed funds for our Northern Rivers Koala Hospital. There are a very … Read more

Help us keep the doors of the Northern Rivers Koala Hospital open
Friends of the Koala is a registered charity, and we rely heavily on public donations and volunteer support to protect and save koalas in the Northern Rivers region and by extension, koalas as a species. As a matter of fact, the very existence of our Northern Rivers Koala Hospital is threatened by lack of adequate … Read more

November at Koala Kindy
This month we have no new joeys in Koala Kindy so far, however we can (and love to) entertain you with what our current residents get up to! As much as we adore these sweet Australian animals, we are always aware that they are a wild and endangered species who deserve to live unharmed in … Read more

Save the Koala Month
September is Save The Koala Month which culminates on Save the Koala Day on the 30th September. It is a great opportunity to raise awareness about koalas and their habitat, the threats they face and how we can protect them. Here at Friends of the Koala our goal for September is to increase understanding about … Read more

National Eucalypt Day 2023
Happy National Eucalypt Day – 23rd March 2023! This year marks ten years of National Eucalypt Day. Find out why we are all nuts about gums (eucalyptus trees)! Multiple species of eucalypt According to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, the term ‘eucalypt’ includes approximately 900 species in the three genera Eucalyptus, Corymbia and Angophora. Almost … Read more

Liz’s Legacy – by Susannah Keogh
Unexpected donations are very much the ones that hit you in the “feels”. I found this out late last year when Friends of the Koala were the benefactors of a very generous bequeathment from someone who seemed completely unrelated to our organisation or the work we do. It turns out I was the missing link. … Read more

Southern Cross Botanicals partnership
Southern Cross Botanicals, a company which is part of the Lucas Myer Cosmetics Group, teamed up with us in 2018 making a donation to Friends of the Koala each time the product OiLESScity is sold. Over the course of this five-year partnership Lucas Meyer Cosmetic Group IFF has donated $35,000 (AUD) for our day-to-day operations. … Read more

Partners – SimplyClean Australia
SimplyClean Australia, a local manufacturer of eco & healthy cleaning products, has been a long term supporter of Friends of the Koala – and it all commenced in 2017. SimplyClean is hard at work developing and making products that are safe for people and the planet. Protecting the environment is at the heart of what … Read more

Donors – Artist Deb Mostert
Deb Mostert is an artist based on the border of Brisbane and Ipswich, Queensland who has been practising art for over 30 years. Much of Deb’s recent artwork focuses on documenting, recording and creating an aesthetic agenda around pressing environmental issues. In 2022, her work ‘Koala as Object’ was selected for the Korea-Australia Arts Foundation … Read more

Life-changing Legacy
Creating a will is a great way to ensure your possessions go where you want them to, so the people you love are well looked after. And while you are doing this, you could choose to include a gift to a charity or cause of your choice. You may be aware that in Australia we … Read more