September is Save The Koala Month which culminates on Save the Koala Day on the 30th September. It is a great opportunity to raise awareness about koalas and their habitat, the threats they face and how we can protect them.
Here at Friends of the Koala our goal for September is to increase understanding about koalas and their habitat because we believe armed with knowledge progress can be made.
Human behaviour has been devastating for koalas and whilst we are the problem, we can also be the solution!
This month-long initiative is an opportunity for everyone to highlight the urgent need for action. If you’re here – we probably have the same goal – to save our iconic Australian koala.
What can you do in September (or any time?)
Adopt Ember this September!
Who remembers Ember?

Many of you will remember the 2019–20 Australian bushfire season or Black Summer as it has become known. It was a period many will never forget. Nearly 6,382 koalas are estimated to have perished in the megafire and one koala became an emblem of the devastation.
Ember captured hearts globally, when amid the fires, she was found badly burned clinging to a tree. Nobody expected her to make it but following intensive treatment and rehabilitation she made a full recovery.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank our vet team and all of the volunteers who are involved in rescues. They are all awesome.
Ember was just eighteen months old at the time. Following rehabilitation, she was released home and in 2021 was spotted with a joey! What a story of hope amid all of the tragedy. Hope is what keeps us going amid all of the heartache and keeps us optimistic for the future.

Healthy, female koalas can live for an average of twelve years and may go on to produce one joey each year. Ember reinforces the importance of fighting to save every single koala. Without Ember there would be no joey, without your support there is no Friends of the Koala and no Ember.
Thank you for your support, no matter how small and large.
Why not celebrate Save the Koala month and adopt Ember – the perfect symbol of resilience and hope. With your support there is hope for the future and we and our koalas thank you!
Become a member this September
Are you a member of Friends of the Koala? If not, this September (the month of Save the Koala), we invite you to become a member and directly support the conservation of koalas including their rescue, rehabilitation and release as well as habitat conservation and vital research programs. Membership costs just $20 per year, so for a as little as five cents per day you can support a grassroots organisation with the critical, on-the-ground work needed to save our iconic Australian koala. We think that’s a modest investment and we hope you do too. As a member you’ll receive regular updates and newsletters as well as opportunities to participate in our events and workshops, including the Annual General Meeting where you’ll receive updates on our activities, financial health, and future plans. Moreover, you’ll have a voice and a vote in decision-making processes that shape the organisation’s direction.
Corporate membership is also available at $500 annually. You can support the preservation of Australia’s iconic koalas for just $1.37 per day whilst illustrating your commitment to the environment and sustainability.

Be a defender in September
There is so much you can do to help us, whatever means you have and wherever you live you can help us to defend our beloved koalas. Friends of the Koala are at the forefront in the protection of koalas which also means protection of the environment. Your support enhances our efforts and recognises our achievements and challenges.
Ten other ways you can help us:
Adopt a Koala
Watch and share our documentary – Every Koala Counts
Read and share our newsletter and articles
Adopt a tree
Vaccinate a koala
Leave a bequest
Volunteer with us
Like and follow us on socials but also interact with us there (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube) – we love it and so does their algorithm!
Start a fundraiser