Recent rehabilitation and release stories – the handsome Clooney and beautiful Karla – two koalas we recently rehabilitated and released back home to the wild.
Clooney is, as the name suggests, a handsome male koala who was admitted to FOK in December last year. Clooney had conjunctivitis in his right eye but otherwise appeared healthy. After starting him on his antibiotic treatment for chlamydia, he went on to have surgery to remove scar tissue from his eye which was badly affected by the chronic infection.
Clooney recovered well from surgery, his eye looked remarkably better and his field of vision was much improved thanks to our amazing vets! Clooney was very chilled and accepted his topical medications easily and so following repeat negative results for chlamydia he was off home. The photos speak for themselves!

Karla is an adult female koala who came to Friends of the Koala from Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital in early December. Karla had been hit by a car, mostly suffering superficial wounds to her face, but her jaw was injured causing her some discomfort when eating and she was also showing some signs of shock from the traumatic incident.
Over the next few weeks, Karla received special care from our amazing team which included pain relief and supportive treatment for shock. She was fed a specially prepared leaf past as a supplement to the fresh leaf smorgasboard provided each day and she recovered so much so that she was released at the beginning of January back to her home in Bangalow.
“After receiving expert attention Karla has been transferred to the wonderful humans at Friends of the Koala in Lismore, where she will continue to receive treatment and care. It takes great collaboration to rescue, treat, rehabilitate and re-wild native animals like Karla.”
Kind words from the amazing team at the Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital.

If you see a sick or injured koala, please call our 24/7 Rescue Hotline immediately on: (02) 6622 1233. Read more about reporting a koala sighting here.