As we approach World Endangered Species Day on 17th of May, we would like to raise awareness of the importance of wildlife conservation, our beloved koalas and celebrate some wins.
Our beautiful planet is the only known planet to host life – many different kinds of life – what taxonomists estimate to be approximately1.7 million different species of animals! Incredible when you pause to think about it.
Humanity is part of one giant complex ecosystem on which we are dependent for life on earth to continue.
Australia is known for it’s distinctive landscape – beautiful beaches, the bush, the outback, rainforests, the great barrier reef and an incredibly high number of endemic species – including two thirds of the worlds marsupials and the very special, unique and beloved koala.
We are known for our love of the outdoors and deep connection to nature. Indeed most Australian’s (97%) want more action to protect nature even if they don’t know the full extent of the biodiversity crisis. We know most Australians are proud of the beauty of our country and want to protect it. We like to think that Australians, generally speaking, would also be considered animal lovers. So the question arises, why are we a world leader in animal extinctions and what can be done to reverse this trend?
Urban expansion, land-clearing and habitat loss, climate change, disease, pollution, hunting and weak environmental laws are some of the causes of habitat loss and extinction of species that comes with that. Read more about the reasons why koala numbers are declining and what Friends of the Koala are doing about it here.
Koalas were officially classified as endangered on the 12th of February 2022 under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act – specifically the combined populations of New South Wales, Queensland, and the Australian Capital Territory. Read Friends of the Koalas response to the uplisting.
What has happened since then?