As you can all imagine a lot of our plantations have been ravaged by the floods. We would love to have more willing hands to volunteer on Wednesday or Friday mornings, if you are interested in volunteering in the plantations please contact Kate Hayes at We have been getting some assistance from Lismore City … Read more

FOK joins Return & Earn Scheme
Click the link below to access our video that explains how to help save our koalas by recycling. Instructions for Return & Earn

Trauma Season in Review
Each year Friends of the Koala tends to over 350 sick, injured, and orphaned koalas. Between the months of July and December admissions are at their highest with the onset of peak koala breeding season, also known as trauma season.

Faces of FOK: Q&A with Maria
Friends of the Koala rescuer, Area Coordinator and Koala Watch Officer, Maria Matthes was awarded Ballina Shire’s ….

2021 – Year In Review
While 2021 seemed like another year of stops, starts and postponements, the wheels at Friends of the Koala did not stop turning.

Introducing the 2021/2022 Management Committee
We are delighted to announce our 2021/2022 Management Committee members. Our new members have a range of backgrounds in communication, finance, human resources, fundraising and law and will …

Joint Koala Rescue Mission
Ballina’s koalas were always a relatively healthy population with only a small number of koalas

Lismore Business Award Winners!
Friends of the Koala are very excited to be the winners of this year’s Outstanding Community Organisation Award in the 2021 Lismore Business Awards.