We are well into koala breeding season and our volunteers and veterinary team are busy doing an exceptional job of providing the best care, treatment and medicine available in our our Northern Rivers Koala Hospital, Koala Kindy and Koala Care Centre. We have a number of exciting updates to share with you this month so … Read more
We need to save koalas from extinction Part I
Note: This is the 1st of a series of articles which deals with our approach to saving koalas from extinction and provides indebth information about how we run and what we do in our Koala Hospital and Koala Care Centre. You are probably well aware about the sad fact that Australia’s koala is on the … Read more
Ruthven University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) koala vaccination project
Research projects are essential in helping us to understand koala health and biology and how to provide long-term protection of koalas in the wild. We are excited to participate in a new collaborative research project with the University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) and the Department of Planning and Environment vaccinating wild koalas at Ruthven, … Read more