Save the koalas!
Our precious wild koala populations are disappearing due to habitat loss, bushfires, floods, and disease.
They need your help to survive.
Donate to our Australian koala fund and directly support our work to ensure the survival of the species.

Leave a Bequest
Secure the future of koalas
Save koalas & create a lasting legacy with a gift in your will.

adopt a tree
Restore habitat for koalas
Help save koalas and their habitat by adopting a tree for just $5!

Adopt a Koala
The ultimate fur baby
A fun way to help protect and to preserve the species.

Directly support our work
We need your help to ensure the survival of our precious koalas.

Help us vaccinate all koalas in our care. Give them a chance of survival.

Joey Buddies
Begin a big adventure
A fun & educational subscription for koala lovers of all ages.

Partner with us
So we can go the extra mile for koalas together with you.

Koala Hospital
Become a Friend of
Help us maintain our Koala Hospital, become a friend.
Why donate to friends of the koala?

Friends of the Koala is one of the oldest koala charities in Australia, looking after all aspects of koala protection and care.
For over 37 years we have focused on critical, on-the-ground, koala conservation efforts like habitat restoration, education, advocacy, rescue, treatment of sick, injured, and orphaned koalas in our Koala Hospital and research into disease prevention.

Your donation supports this work directly
We run all operations with a small team of staff, yet, with the support of over 200 dedicated volunteers, our work is extremely efficient and effective. Donations to our koala charity go further, as every cent directly contributes to protecting koalas and their habitat.