The Northern Rivers Koala Conversations event was an action-packed fortnight of activities about all thing’s koala. The event aimed to highlight the value of grass-roots activities to improve conservation outcomes for koalas. The event was funded by the NSW Koala Strategy through the Northern Rivers Regional Partnership. The program represented a wonderful collaboration with Friends of the Koala, local Councils and community organisations of the region.

during the Koala Conversations event. (Photo: Tamar Cohen)
Twenty events across the Northern Rivers Region
Koala Conversations ran over the last two weeks of May with activities hosted across the entire Northern Rivers region. Over 500 people attended the 20 different events that were on offer. The varied and inspiring activities included tree planting days, a koala celebration family day, habitat restoration site visits, koala hospital tours, collage workshops, botanical drawing, a field day for bush regenerators, and very pleasant bike ride along the newly opened section of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail between Bentley and Casino.

Koalas in Motion
The Koalas in Motion bike ride featured strategic stops along the way to discuss koala conservation as well as the habitat restoration project about to commence on site. One of the stops involved a very animated working bee to remove a lantana infestation. The koala-loving, bike riders were a weeding force to be reckoned with!

Koala Conversations Forum

The fortnight of events culminated in a one-day forum at Southern Cross University where practitioners, researchers, supporters, landholders, and other enthusiastic locals engaged with presentations on chlamydia vaccines, population monitoring, fire and cultural connection, habitat restoration, and a regional approach to koala conservation. The forum was attended by over 100 people.
Fantastically creative and far-reaching
While it was a logistical challenge hosting a region-wide event, it was a fantastically creative and far-reaching way to engage the Northern Rivers community and build their capacity to support and participate in koala conservation. We would also like to thank everybody who attended Primex including Angie Brace, Mark Wilson, Maria Matthes, Aliison Kelly; everybody who ran, presented and/or assisted at events including Rhonda James, Maria Matthes, Jen Ridolfi (Friends of the Koala Tours), Aliison Kelly and Angie Brace. Everybody who participated in the Forum including Fiona Dawson (representing Envite), Dr Jodie Wakeman, Maria Matthes (representing IFAW) and Angie Brace. And thank you also to the many volunteers who attended.

From the Koala Conversations Facebook page – Koala Conversations in Motion event.
Proudly delivered by the Northern Rivers Koala Partnership (made up of six councils and Friends of the Koala), and supported by the NSW Government, this initiative aims to unite communities in safeguarding koalas and their habitats.
Koala Conversations is the brainchild of the Northern Rivers Koala Network. Northern Rivers Koala Network is a collective of practitioners working on Bundjalung, Yaegl & Gumbaynggirr country across the Northern Rivers to protect, restore and create healthy koala populations. Our wide network of agencies, community organisations, Traditional Owners, and practitioners work on rescue and rehabilitation, community education and awareness, koala habitat restoration and management, research, and advocacy. Together we aim to be strategic and collaborative across our region for the benefit of koalas.