What is your FOK story? When did you join and why?
I joined about three and a half years ago and at that time I had just retired and sold my share of a small business that I had run for 21 years and due to a chain of difficult life events in quick succession I was battling PTSD and depression. I always cared about the environment, and I wanted to do something with my life that would make a difference. A friend invited me to an information day at FOK and I ticked the box to volunteer that day.
What roles have you been in in your time at FOK?
I have been a koala care worker all the whole way through – this includes administering treatments and training other volunteers and supervising care shifts. I am also a koala rescuer and have done home joey caring. I’m also a committee member and was also on the Rescue Hotline for two years or so.
What has been your biggest achievement/special memory during your time volunteering?
Getting to release Butters, the first joey that I reared and seeing him get released into the wild. I guess the other achievements that I think are big are home caring joeys, delighting in their antics and seeing their progress due to my care. Also caring for and learning more about koalas requiring specialist care, for example those that are in ICU who have had trauma etc.
How has volunteering impacted you?
I guess I would sum it up by saying it has filled my life and made my life fulfilling. I’ve met some great people and made some really good friends and I’ve learnt a huge amount about Koalas, and I just love them.