Koala Rescue
(02) 6622 1233


Street trees to aid koala survival

“By planting more trees in urban areas, we can give koalas safe pathways between habitats, allowing them to get off the ground and away from … [follow link to original story…]

Land Clearing Could Wipe out Koalas from NSW and QLD

Conservation group WWF has warned that without immediate intervention NSW and Queensland could lose their koala population. Dr Martin Taylor … [follow link to original story…]

Koala poo detection dogs help keep the Queensland population safe

Many four-legged friends are just happy to run around and chase a ball, but two dogs in Queensland have a greater mission — to help keep the koala … [follow link to original story…]

Friends of the Koala president steps down

LORRAINE Vass will leave her role as President of the Management Commitee of Friends of the Koala (FOK) on June 30, after 15 years at the head of … [follow link to original story…]

Forestry NSW refutes claims against North Coast logging operations

Forestry Coporation NSW respond to controversy surrounding ‘aggressive’ harvesting methods and the impact of logging operations on NSW koalas. [follow link to original story…]

More logging will kill region’s koalas: NEFA

North East Forest Alliance spokesman Dailan Pugh said any extensions to timber contacts would threaten the survival of koalas on the North Coast. [follow link to original story…]

Male koalas’ mating calls give better picture of animal numbers

Law describes the sound as a deep “bellow”, followed by intermittent gasps. “It was the male koala’s mating call,” he says, “and we heard it throughout … [follow link to original story…]

Mining company QGC given approval to clear critical koala habitat for CSG wells near Dalby

A gas company has been given federal approval to clear 54 hectares of koala habitat for new coal seam gas wells on Queensland’s Western Downs. [follow link to original story…]

OPINION: Letters to the editor of the Western Advocate

Laws were passed in April 2012 to make koalas a “threatened species” and their habitat an “endangered ecological community”, yet developments … [follow link to original story…]   This letter-writer is expressing a concern held by koala supporters across NSW.

Koala population crash highlights long list of government failures, report finds

Koala protection efforts are failing in Queensland despite clear evidence of devastating population losses, a new report has found. [follow link to original story…]