Koala Rescue
(02) 6622 1233

koala food

Are koalas dumb?

Koalas aren’t dumb, they are sleepy survivors

Are koalas dumb? This question has been asked many times and koala intelligence hotly debated. Here is what we know about koala intelligence combined with our experience gained from observing koala behaviour. Just because they are sleepy, docile creatures doesn’t mean they are stupid. Koalas have their own personalities, some come with more attitude than … Read more

We sell koala food trees for $1 to landholders

Our nursery – food for our koalas

Friends of the Koala operate a native plant nursery which is open to the community by appointment. The nursery is located behind our Koala Hospital and issues koala food trees for $1 each to landholders with land where koalas reside in the Northern Rivers Region. Koalas rely exclusively on a small number of Eucalyptus trees … Read more