We know if you are here now, you are most likely already on the right side of conservation, whether it is because of our beautiful furry Koala friends or due to a dedication to preserving the environment at large. As it is the beginning of a new year, it’s the perfect time to think about … Read more

10 ways to help koalas in 2024
It’s the New Year and for some of us this means making resolutions to improve our lives. You are probably exposed to many ‘resolution this, get fit that, lose five pounds doing the other’. Rather than focusing just on self-improvement, as nobel as this is, here are some ideas to take action for the environment … Read more

Liz’s Legacy – by Susannah Keogh
Unexpected donations are very much the ones that hit you in the “feels”. I found this out late last year when Friends of the Koala were the benefactors of a very generous bequeathment from someone who seemed completely unrelated to our organisation or the work we do. It turns out I was the missing link. … Read more