FOK’s campaign asking for help to prevent a local koala extinction has generated over 20 stories and interviews online, in print, on radio and prime-time TV news, achieving media coverage worth many thousands of dollars. It’s also the most media coverage FOK has received at least in recent times. But is it working?
Anecdotally, rescue line calls and tour attendances have increased, and there have been many new enquiries from people wanting to help. Compared to Jul/Aug 2017, online reports of koala sightings have more than quadrupled (480%). FOK’s website audience has almost doubled, including first time website users, since the same period in 2017, and also increased by 40% compared to May/Jun 2018. Website page views increased by 48% with ‘Report sightings’, the ‘Campaign page’ and ‘Contact us’ the most popular pages respectively. Not only has the campaign helped to increase community awareness and action, it’s also contributed to keeping the pressure on for koala conservation.